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A Monster Calls – Patrick Ness


“Sometimes people need to lie to themselves most of all.”

4/5 Stars

This book will make you have feelings. Like, more than ten.

There is a monster outside in the garden, calling Conor’s name. It is not the monster Conor expected, not the one from his nightmares. But it has still come for him. And it’s there to share a story, and to demand one in return.

Despite the name and the actual monster-like tree creature, “A Monster Calls” is not really a fantasy novel. It reads more like a contemporary novel with just a dash of fantasy, that reads more like a metaphor at times. Despite being closest to the Middle Grade genre, it is a book for all ages.
“A Monster Calls” is a story about growing up, and about being human. It is a story about a boy lost in the world and lost in himself. It is a story about monsters, both kind and terrifying, that live on the outside, but also on the inside.
It’s best to dive into this story knowing nothing more than that.

I devoured “A Monster Calls” within a single afternoon, and I cried for about that long, too. I mean, I have to admit that it’s not that hard to move me to tears, but actually making me sob for most of a few hours still takes something. The simple, yet on-point writing style makes it easy to follow the story, so you can enjoy the whole flood of emotions you will probably drown in.
After all, the story itself makes you want to take a break from reading just so you can reconsider your life every once in a while. It will turn your emotions upside down with forceful, but gentle hands, and lead you along Conor’s side to a final battle that is most human in its nature. Be prepared.
I really loved the message the book conveyed at the end. What that message is, you will have to find out by yourself.

Long story short, if you want to be an emotional wreck for a week, this book is for you. If you don’t, you still might want to consider reading it, because you will be surprised how much hope can be found within the despair between these pages.

Unfortunately, the edition I first read does not include illustrations, but if you can, get an edition that does. While the story can be enjoyed without them, they really do add to the atmosphere!
I just had to buy another, illustrated edition afterwards.

See what other bookish people have to say about A Monster Calls:

Book Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness by booknookreading

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness Review 5/5 by beckysblogs

Review: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness by readingwithjax

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